What’s your Cycle telling you?
Let me ask you a few questions…
- Do you get paranoid, cranky or clumsy at certain times of the month?
- Do you have days when you LOVE the world and others when you just want to hide under your duvet?
- Are you MRS ANGRY and suffer with PMS?
- Do you get painful periods but take pills to get through?
- Do you hate your periods? Wish you could just get rid of them?
- Are you embarrassed to tell people when you have your period?
Did you answer YES to at least one of those?
What do you KNOW about your cycle? Would you like to delve deeper into your cycles and understand why you are experiencing the above?
There are lots of books, workshops and online programmes out there that can help and guide you to understanding your menstrual cycle from an energetic approach. I’d like to share with you, my favourites…
My Favourites
Workshops or Online Courses
Explore your Lady Landscape with Lisa Lister
This online programme will take you on a 28 day journey to help you understand your cycles and what they are telling you. Having recently trained this beautiful woman in Fertility Massage, I can put my hand on my heart and strongly recommend this online programme. It’s financially feasible, fun and full of fabulous information.
Women’s Quest Workshops with Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
These 2 fabulous wise women offer a variety of one day workshops, including “Unleash your Creativity through the power of your menstruation”, “Awaken your Menstrual Power for Health and Wellbeing” and “Reclaim your Feminine Power”.
Together, they have many years of international experience and bring their wisdom to their workshops in a truly inspiring way.
The Wild Genie: The Healing Power of Menstruation by Alexandra Pope
Code Red by Lisa Lister
Red Moon by Miranda Gray
The Pill: Are you sure it’s for you? by Jane Bennett & Alexandra Pope
One to One Sessions
Both of these gorgeous women offer personal sessions, to help women discover their menstrual cycles and understand their inner seasons.
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